
DrogArt publikacije
2. april 2020

Uporaba sintetičnih katinonov v Sloveniji (2015)

V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati kvantitativnega dela raziskave o uporabi sintetičnih katinonov in drugih novih psihoaktivnih snovi v Sloveniji.

DrogArt publikacije
2. april 2020

The importance of drug checking outside the context of nightlife in Slovenia

The main purpose of the research was to evaluate the implementation of the drug checking service in Slovenia and to obtain the opinion of users included in harm reduction programmes for high-risk drug users and of drug users in nightlife settings on drug checking, the reasons for drug checking, and their attitude towards adulterants in the drugs that they use.

DrogArt v medijih
11. junij 2019

Oddaja Alpe-Donava-Jadran

27. aprila 2019 je bil objavljen prispevek o DrogArtu in našem 20-letnem delovanju na RTV SLO v oddaji Alpe – Donava – Jadran. Prispevek si lahko pogledate na spodnjem linku.

Druge publikacije
2. november 2018

Droge in diabetes

Vsaka uporaba drog je rizična, za osebe z diabetesom pa je še toliko večja. Kratka knjižica o Drogah in Diabetesu je bila napisana v sodelovanju z doktorjem imunologije in farmacije, strokovnjaki iz področju nočnega življenja in mladimi osebami, ki živijo z diabetesom.

Druge publikacije
23. julij 2018

Police and Harm Reduction

This document highlights important recommendations and examples and is based on the experiences of law enforcement officers who have benefited from this “harm reduction” approach.

DrogArt publikacije
26. marec 2018

Night Lives: Reducing Drug-Related Harm in the Night Time Economy (2018)

The UK’s night time economy is failing to protect its most valuable asset: the people who go out and enjoy it.

Druge publikacije
30. januar 2018

The World Drug Perception Problem: Countering Prejudices About People Who Use Drugs

Namen tega poročila je analizirati najpogostejše zaznave in strahove, jih primerjati z razpoložljivimi dokazi o drogah in ljudeh, ki jih uporabljajo, in dati priporočila o spremembah, ki jih je treba sprejeti za podporo reform v smeri učinkovitejših politik na področju drog.

Druge publikacije
21. julij 2017

Using Confidence Interval-Based Estimation of Relevance to Select Social-Cognitive Determinants for Behavior Change Interventions

Department of Health Promotion, Maastricht University/CAPHRI, Maastricht, Netherlands Faculty of Psychology and Education Science, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, Netherlands Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Department of Work and Social Psychology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands Jellinek Preventie, Arkin, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Druge publikacije
15. junij 2017

Drug checking at music festivals: A how-to guide

Zanimiva publikacija o testiranju drog na glasbenih dogodkih. Priporočamo!

Druge publikacije
24. april 2017

Identifying possible reasons why female street sex workers have poor drug treatment outcomes: a qualitative study

Obsežna študija o prostituciji in drogah.

Druge publikacije
23. april 2017

Cracs in the Ice

Spletna stran ponuja informacije o tako imenovani drogi “Ice” – kaj, kdo, zakaj…

Druge publikacije
17. april 2017

Preventing Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Substance Use Problems

This paper intends to provide teachers, educators and the wider school workforce with practical guidelines on how to prevent children and young people from developing mental health problems as a result of alcohol and drug misuse.
